seats. the father of sarah palin s grandson $1,750 per month in child support ordered to pay. the father of the baby of bristol palin. their son born december 2008. a picture with michelle bachmann and sarah palin? won t come cheap, more like $10,000. the washington post obtained a copy of the invitation to the fund-raiser. for the 10 grand per couple, they will get access to the couple and a photo-op. oprah winfrey could be in a philadelphia courtroom. let s get the scoop from pop culture columnist courtney hazlett. the last time she was in a courtroom it worked out well, she moved her show to texas. this is not meatgate 2010.
this board has been watching what is your opinion? today we saw a year s worth of volunteer work by teachers and experts in social studies suffer a death by 1,000 cuts. in particular it was really sad, i think this board voted to discard the significance of thomas jefferson s writings on revolution from 1750 to the present. and to deny students right to learn about the fundamental protections for religious liberty. i m disturbed that politicians on the board are making decisions that they are not consulting with any expert about what they are doing. and they are not necessarily thinking about what kids need to be successful in college or in the jobs for the 21st century. reporter: just to recap again the seven conservatives ruled the day, four of the five democrats not in there as meeting concluded. this has set the stage.
this board has been watching what is your opinion? today we saw a year s worth of volunteer work by teachers and experts in social studies suffer a death by 1,000 cuts. in particular it was really sad, i think this board voted to discard the significance of thomas jefferson s writings on revolution from 1750 to the present. and to deny students right to learn about the fundamental protections for religious liberty. i m disturbed that politicians on the board are making decisions that they are not consulting with any expert about what they are doing. and they are not necessarily thinking about what kids need to be successful in college or in the jobs for the 21st century. reporter: just to recap again the seven conservatives ruled the day, four of the five democrats not in there as meeting concluded. this has set the stage.
the damage that would be caused by a major earthquake. and andre, i know we can t pinpoint with any accuracy as to when or where the next earthquake might strike, but there have been recent studies down, one out in california, that indicated along the west coast we should expect to see a major earthquake in the magnitude of perhaps what happened down in haiti within the next 30 years. well, definitely. the magnitude that occurred in haiti certainly can occur, you know, any time in california. however, again, haiti, what is a learning experience for us, is this is a region where earthquakes have not happened in a long time. the last earthquake that struck port-au-prince was in the 18th century around 1750, and over there, of course, there s absolutely no concern about seismic design at all. this is a lesson for us to some extent where we also have a region in the united states, if we think, you know, the midwest, eastern united states, also some extent the pacific northwest, where e
parts per million? do you agree with that? you don t want to go there, do you know why? because i will show the correlation. do you agree. yes. i also agree. bill: wait, joe. wait. let him make his point and you can reply. go ahead, bill. do you agree that the planet venus is warm because it has a lot of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. lead on its surface? do you agree with that. i don t believe we have the proper measurements of venus from $10 billion years ago. i can t tell the relationship with earth. bill: go ahead, bill. i think you are throwing a red herring in there. this is the carbon dioxide in 1750 and parts per million as represented by fountain pen ink. are and here it is today. even though it s a very small traction. it s still quite noticeable and effects the world s climate. your explanation with volcanoes, you know, this is a study done by the ipppc, this is a time