gas, record high $3.92, national average. did you see diesel? if diesel runs trucks and farm implements and industry, diesel went up 41 cents in the past week to an average price now of $4.41. those big rigs often have a tank of 300 gallons. that means a trucker will pay $1300 to tank up with diesel on his truck. he was paying $1100 three weeks ago. will: you said to us before we went on air, we re in it. inflation is a spiral. it s happening now. you can feel it and see it happening now. go outside and look at the gas station. everybody s filling up their tank because they know the price is going up some more. think what that does to america s inflation rate. you re already close to 10% at the consumer level. it s surely going higher than that, and it s not going away because throughout the economy you ve got energy price inflation that s just getting moving. pete: we re already seeing the white house say, real quick, this is all just because of the invasion. no. it s because of a
reporter: tonight, aaa saying gas prices rising at the fastest pace in history. it is getting really expensive. it is almost $4. so it is kind of depressing. reporter: today s national average, $3.92 per gallon. a rise of more than 30 cents in just five days. when the price of oil shoots up significantly like it has, that s going to hit you in the wallet. reporter: patrick de haan of gas buddy says the national average may hit $4.25 by the end of march, a 60% increase compared to this time last year. for context, the highest on record is $4.11 in 2008. some states are already well beyond that. nicholas stone says he s been paying $250 per week in gas and can t afford his commute. i don t have a very economical vehicle to drive back and forth from cookeville to nashville. therefore i had to quit my job. i m not even making enough to cover the gas. so now i m choosing between gas and groceries. reporter: one tennessee school district says the unexpected higher cost of fue
but it s not always true. look again at house majority leader eric cantor s surprise loss to college professor dave brat in the primary this week. cantor spent more than $5 million ahead of the primary. as of may 21st, brat had spent just $123,000. now, you may have seen some politicos having fun with the numbers breakdown. for example, that cantor spent more at steak houses than brat spent on his campaign. a more telling breakdown is to ask how much candidate spent per vote. cantor spent about $173.92 per vote. brat spent about $3.40 per vote. $3.40. that s a good deal on a vote. so to cantor s $173.92 to brat s $3.40, let s figure out why it is that if you spent more, you got less. joining us now from washington, d.c., to explain just why this happened is kyle kondick, the managing editor of the news letter sabado s chris crystal b.
very much. dagen? i think there is a fixation by some in the white house with forcing americans to drive their cars and behave the way they think we should behave. drive carts they want us to drive. that is the only way that this new epa regulations that trying to push in no fault legislation. would it drive gas prices higher. we re dealing with already dealing with $3.92 national average. what has to drive them crazy, biggest selling vehicles still are your ford, gm. get your truck out baby and drive it. neil: adam has an f-150. what is the timing. the snowstorm, i mean i think we could have a conversation about what is the best way to approach global warming. we do not. we wanted to have a conversation
summers. the reason is simple, lower crude oil prices and accounts for a third of the price drivers bay at the gas bump. today s national average 3.60 a gallon down again since yesterday. 3.92 this time last year. if you live in areas around the gulf coast you should see prices $3 a gallon. really. haven t seen that in a while. this is the rocky region. little lower there. out in the northeast or california probably going to stay closer to 4. as long as it s lower. lauren simonetti fox business network. thank you. if you are handy and you need help finding a job cheryl casone is here with three companies hiring right now. it s gun verses a baseball bat how one store owner refused to back down even after an armed robber shot him. mine was earned in djibouti, africa, 2004.