it will take a global effort. a lot of talk about climate change at cop-21, very important for a lot of people whob who will be attending that conference. the big question is can everyone work together trying to come up with a resolution. it s been tried before. sometimes it works. sometimes it doesn t. that s the key factor with this is can everyone come together to create an agreement. the one thing to note is we have more statisics this go around they didn t have in past ones to see whether or not it makes an impact. one of the things we are talking about is how warm this past july has been. take a look. global temperatures a record warm july so far this year. 16.61 degrees celsius. the average 15.8. not just a little bit above but considerably above. we look at the july. it is a full degree above the average for the entire 20th century. not just compared to the last