well, we are already in june. new college grads head out to the work force hopping - hoping to get hired. employers expect to hire 10.2 percent more grads this year than last year. what companies are hiring. cheryl casone is from the fox business network and joins us. only half have full-time yobs. you pay your dues and get the loans and go to school and you can t find work. it is frustrating. half of the people . kids without jobs and this year is better than last year. a little bit better . 53.6 percent . of anybody with a bachelor s degree only had nothing or was under exploited. and kids, right down
they re getting priced out but more and more people who don t academically qualify for that. . this is a much larger issue the president wants to bring to bear in this election cycle. student loan debt is $867 billion ahead of both credit card and auto loans. that is if you re talking about the economy, that s verinist. this is staggering. last year, 53.6% of young adults 25 or younger with bachelor degrees were without a job or under employed into that speaks to the whole problem with higher education. it s not just about four-year degrees. we need to talk about technical education, too. the president s getting behind that. community colleges and hooking those colleges up with employers. i actually went to visit a very interesting school, it s a combined high school community college in brooklyn. they work with ibm, the new york city of department of education. they show the kid waiting for them at the end of six years and connect the dots. what results is higher graduation levels
number is 53.6%. when you look at that. that is the young work force. those are the ones that are supposed to rev up the economy and expand and great thinkers of the future. they are simply sitting on the sidelines and buried in debt? so what is happening, as you point out, unemployment rate is b 11 years was 41%. right now this is an election year issue. it s becoming an issue for the congress and white house and for republicans from both sides of the aisle because interest rates and student loans are set to double this july if the government doesn t move to stop it. but then the argument is, loan rates were so easy to come by that they basically piled into these cheap loans when they may be should not have. greta: they might as well take a loan and try to get a skill than try to get a job, at this rate there are no jobs.
number is 53.6%. when you look at that. that is the young work force. those are the ones that are supposed to rev up the economy and expand and great thinkers of the future. they are simply sitting on the sidelines and buried in debt? so what is happening, as you point out, unemployment rate is b 11 years was 41%. right now this is an election year issue. it s becoming an issue for the congress and white house and for republicans from both sides of the aisle because interest rates and student loans are set to double this july if the government doesn t move to stop it. but then the argument is, loan rates were so easy to come by that they basically piled into these cheap loans when they may be should not have. greta: they might as well take a loan and try to get a skill than try to get a job, at this rate there are no jobs.
mississippi. al, flooding in four states. difficult situation there. what s the latest? reporter: the latest i m standing in vicksburg. this is the mississippi river. it should be beyond that building but now overrun its banks obviously. in some places, the mississippi is six times as wide as normally would be. in vicksburg, flood stage at 53.6 feet. the record flood stage will be 56 feet, we expect by sunday. they will be at 57.5 feet. this is pushing south. it had a devastating effect economically and psychically on these folks in these states. for example, a lot of riverside gambling has shut down casinos. 13,000 people are out of work through this weekend, at least, probably beyond. the rivers will take time to recede. slow to rise, slow to recede.