and a new poll from the kaiser family foundation says this. 54% of u.s. adults hav personally - or had a family member who has been affected by gun violence. and nearly one in five hav lost a family member to guns just think about that. now, let s bring in our dear colleagues and get smarter wit the help of our lead off panel tonight. my friend antonia hylton, he s here, nbc correspondent. matt bennett at third way. he currently serves as the vic chair of sandy hook promise. reed galen joins us. he s cofounder of the lincol project. he s worked on a number of gop campaigns, including joh mccain, arnold schwarzenegge and george w. bush thank you all for being here o a pretty awful subject matt, we just heard from the mayor of louisville, from th doctor, last week from childre in nashville begging for someone to do something. you work on gun safety all the time
officer. detective told his bosses abou the old lace file. my assumption is that w missed something here. he had been in charge i 2006 when everyone assumed everywhere - cory died unnatural death. but he said he never saw thi photos that the detective wa holding before him that s when i saw the pictures for the first time. what did you think? i thought this is odd this is not natural. the posture of the? arms the posture of the arm definitely appeared to me that rigor mortars had said in. i looked at those pictures and i can t believe that w accepted an undetermined cause of death, and a natural death. detective gibson agreed but they had a problem very thin, what you r working with is some notes fro a medical examiner from eigh years before, and a few photos very few and two sides were taken by the pathologis and passed on in evidence. so yeah, very thin file. so police went down to th doctor that when the autopsy and asked her to review th
yes, simone, thank you fo having me and shining a ligh on the situation and idaho the extreme abortion bans. these 25,000 dollar cash awards these bounties that family members can sue providers for. it s still in effect they were put into law as workaround around roe v. wade. they are still there representative e hearts firs version of the bill actually strengthens the penalties. it made them harsher for providers saying those cas flows have to come out of th doctor s pockets not medical insurance. it s something on the book right now in idaho okay now on the case of this hous bill 2:42, the supreme court s job decision and my reading, i seems to provide folks and idaho a pretty strong roadma