frustrated they may not get to spend $4.9 trillion on their way out the door for christmas, but lashing out at the democracy, the supreme court, and the senate itself is not going to solve anything. so is there some part of the strategy that says we may not get the voting rights, but maybe wet get other issues? a lot of it is of their own making. you can t go out and say what is happening in georgia and text is the return of jim crow, a threat to democracy, and then just move on. voters are critical. he is rubbing, but look, i m a democrat elected in georgia
and share it about build back better. let s just not overlook the fact that it s been a year of real substantive accomplishment by the democratic majority and the biden administration. i don t disagree with you on any of the accomplishments, and i don t think you d disagree with me on how stuck you are in this moment. now i think my own reporting on joe manchin and the president, they are still talking. he will talk until he s blue in the face, joe manchin will, on any of these issues. but our reporting at nbc is that talks are going poorly on build back better. i want to ask you about the voting rights piece. i think that s the more complex part. i think as build back better moves, voting rights, you re stuck. mitch mcconnell talked about there on the floor. i want to play some of what he said. it isn t about, quote/unquote, voting rights, it s a naked power grab. i understand my colleagues are frustrated they may not get to spend $4.9 trillion on their way out the doo
it s on life support. it should be dead. it cost $4.9 trillion. that s not lindsey graham saying that. that s the congressional budget office that biden said was the gold standard. it is the gold standard. when you do away with the gimmicks, it costs $4.9 trillion and adds three trillion to the deficit. so they re in a box. if you do away with the gimmicks, the bill cost $5 trillion, $3 trillion to the deficit. if you use the gimmicks, joe manchin won t vote for it. so the cbo score is devastating to build back better. it s the true cost, $5 trillion. the effect on the deficit is $3 trillion and there s in way they can make up $3 trillion without cutting the government or raising taxes. i think it s dead because of the cbo number. martha: thanks, senator graham. always great to have you on. thank you. martha: this is a opinion
of starvation if we don t come up with some plan and count me in for helping the kids. martha: we hope you can do that. i want to ask you about build back better before we go. what kind of shape do you think this program is in? is it going to survive? does it have any pulse in your opinion? before i let you answer that, here s dick durbin saying you don t get it about how much it cost. watch. i can read it. lindsey graham is putting out there that the true cost is $4.9 trillion. he s making up numbers says durbin. it s lindsey at his best. he say republicans have preposterous numbers and we know what the call is. you want me to reply to dick? i like dick a lot. but that s the lamest number to deal with a number from the cbo that is devastating. you ask me about build back better.
we ve got a whole bunch of other sound bites from a whole bunch of other people who were on a bunch of the other sunday shows but we ve got like a minute left so let me just play senator graham on with chris wlals on fox news, what he had to say about whether it s hypocrisy, what is this about, tax cuts versus build back better. just watch. what chris psaki is saying and other democrats are saying is when president trump and you what s that got to do with anything. let me just finish, passed the 2017 trump tax cut, that wasn t a lie. no, what happens is you can t go beyond ten years in terms of the budget window. we voted knowing that cutting taxes we believed was good. joe manchin if you were watching, you were right, joe. you got this right. it is a lie. it s 4.9 trillion not 1.75