when idi amin became president in 1971, change came for everyone. some africans saw it as an opportunity to reverse that order. there were two sets of victims, each one going off in a different trajectory. asians have been - milking uganda s money. there isn t much literature around the expulsion and ugandan indian history, so i ve come to the uganda society library to see what i can find and how much icanfind. i found idi amin s speech on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of august, in which he explains why he expelled asians ugandan asians and his opening paragraph reads, no country can tolerate the economy of a nation being so much in the hands of non citizens, as is the case in uganda today. no government can tolerate
allowed to have land. so some africans felt that they were it was not a level ground, that these investors were having undue preference, the government preference through policies. when idi amin became president in 1971, change came for everyone. some africans saw it as an opportunity to reverse that order. there were two sets of victims, each one going off in a different trajectory. asians have been - milking uganda s money. there isn t much literature around the expulsion and ugandan indian history, so i ve come to the uganda society library to see what i can find and how much icanfind. i found idi amin s speech on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of august, in which he explains why
and how much i can find. i found idi amin s speech on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of august, in which he explains why he expelled asians ugandan asians and his opening paragraph reads, no country can tolerate the economy of a nation being so much in the hands of non citizens, as is the case in uganda today. no government can tolerate foreigners like asians in uganda, sabotaging the economy of the country and engaging in numerous forms of corruption. it s as though he s playing on the insecurities of locals, of ugandans, who felt already that there were hostilities and tensions arising. already, the 15 british immigration staff in the passport office look- likely to be swamped as the pressure mounts and the anxieties of the asians are being increased
what i can find and how much icanfind. i found idi amin s speech on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of august, in which he explains why he expelled asians ugandan asians and his opening paragraph reads, no country can tolerate the economy of a nation being so much in the hands of non citizens, as is the case in uganda today. no government can tolerate foreigners like asians in uganda, sabotaging the economy of the country and engaging in numerous forms of corruption. it s as though he s playing on the insecurities of locals, of ugandans, who felt already that there were hostilities and tensions arising. already, the 15 british immigration staff in. the passport office look likely. to be swamped as the pressure
some africans saw it as an opportunity to reverse that order. there were two sets of victims, each one going off in a different trajectory. asians have been - milking uganda s money. there isn t much literature around the expulsion and ugandan indian history, so i ve come to the uganda society library to see what i can find and how much icanfind. i found idi amin s speech on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of august, in which he explains why he expelled asians ugandan asians and his opening paragraph reads, no country can tolerate the economy of a nation being so much in the hands of non citizens, as is the case in uganda today. no government can tolerate foreigners like asians in uganda, sabotaging the economy of the country and engaging in numerous