After many users reported instability with Intel 13/14th Gen Core i9 CPUs, the company has finally issued a statement condemning motherboard manufacturers for allowing Intel processors to run outside of specified specifications. The company also confirms that most stability complaints involve unlocked motherboards. Intel's statement was shared by Igor's Lab. According to Intel, the issue …
With the Intel 14th Gen Core series release right around the corner, retailers have started to prepare for the launch. There is at least one retailer who has already listed the six upcoming 14th Gen K and KF chips but hasn't shared pricing. However, rumour says that we'll see a price increase between the 13th-Gen …
Zotac has announced its newest ZBox E- and C-series mini PCs. These newly-revealed systems come in a variety of sizes and configurations, making them suitable for a broad range of applications, from office and creative work to livestreaming and gaming. The ZBox E Series has always been Zotac's most interesting Mini PC line, aimed at …