13-year-old can make a yes. let me ask you, a competent 13-year-old can make a decision l yes. let me ask you, a competent| 13-year-old can make a decision to 13 year old can make a decision to have the jab even if their parent disagrees. what is your daughter thinking about this? thinking about this? firstly, i would like thinking about this? firstly, i would like to thinking about this? firstly, i would like to know thinking about this? firstly, i would like to know what - thinking about this? firstly, i- would like to know what competent means. what does the criteria mean is competent? the means. what does the criteria mean is competent? is competent? the vaccine minister said it would is competent? the vaccine minister said it would be is competent? the vaccine minister said it would be down is competent? the vaccine minister said it would be down to is competent? the vaccine minister said it would be down to a - is competent? the vaccine minister said it would be