montana down to port arthur, texas, is basically one giant sacrifice zone, farmers, ranchers, who rely on the water in the aquifer that stand to be threatened if there s a leak. a pipeline leak anywhere along that route threatens not just the people who live there but has an octopus-like thread across the nation. not to mention the 8 million people who rely on that aquifer for their drinking water. this is a much bigger threat than just for the people of port arthur, which is a big threat already. in port arthur, it s predominantly african-american, the unemployment rate is 17% versus 6% in the rest of texas. the poverty rate 25.9% versus
subscribers of popular original shows. netflix s stock has quadrupled in value this year. and expect high prices for getting high in colorado, which begins legal pot sales tomorrow. experts say demand could outstrip supply. plus, state and local officials are putting on a hefty sales tax of 31%. high cost for high times. back to you. brings a whole new meaning to mile high city. all right. thanks, bertha. all right, taking stock on this last day of trading for 2013, the dow jones saw 15 record closes, including monday s new all-time high and the best return since 1996 with a 25.9% gain. 2013 was also a great year when it comes to energy-efficient homes. americans haven t used this little power since 2001. it was also a banner year for ford, which expects to top toyota as the best-selling vehicle brand in north america. and the u.s. population grew by about 2.2 million people this
pay to $6 million amid subscribers increase. stock has quau draupled this year. and expect high prices for getting high in colorado, which begins legal pot sales tomorrow. experts say demand could outstrip supply. plus, state and local officials are putting on a hefty sales tax of 31%. high cost for high times. back to you. brings a whole new meaning to mile high city. all right. thanks, bertha. all right, taking stock on this last day of trading for 2013, the dow jones saw 15 record closes, including monday s new all-time high and the best return since 1996 with a 25.9% gain. 2013 was also a great year when it comes to energy-efficient homes. americans haven t used this little power since 2001. it was also a banner year for ford, which expects to top toyota as the best-selling vehicle brand in north america. and the u.s. population grew by about 2.2 million people this
but is there a psychological advantage when it comes to outraising the other side? i think it s good for the obama campaign in terms of showing enthusiasm. for the first time, today raise more money than april. i think overall, as other people have said, there s so much money, one. and then, two republican sewer packs are vastly outraising the democrat sewer packs. you ll see more ads that are anti-obama and pro-obama. this one month is not going to tell us a whole lot about fundraising in the campaign. mitt romney has more cash on hand, we should say, but the obama campaign has spent more up until now. take a look at the numbers. through july, barack obama, $481.5 million. romney, $325.9. so you have these two different strategies really. you have the obama campaign, spend early, define your opponent. the romney campaign seems to be let s do a late blitz when they think it will matter the most. is it clear who s right?
dollars the president wants to provide the department of education. 2.5% increase. 476 is how many billions of dollars the president wants to pour into a new transportation package over the next six years. designed to create long-term economic growth. $61 billion is how much president obama proposes wall street pay back the american people for tarp. $1.5 trillion, trillion with a t that s how much the white house claims the deficit will shrink partially due to the expiration of the bush tax cuts for those making $250,000 a year. speaking of folks like that, hi mitt romney. what does your proposed budget do? 3.4%, that s the tax rate the lowest wage earners would pay. almost double what they would under president obama s. 25.9% is the rate at which romney would tax his fellow