reporter: that timetable seems to be moving up. as the president today reacted to positive jobs numbers by holding what sounded like a rally at a new federal agency that is helping to position him as a fighter for the middle class. we re moving in the right direction. i would urge congress to make sure they stay on top of their jobs to make sure that everybody else is able to enjoy hopefully an even more robust recovery in 2012. reporter: note the reference to recovery in the election year. reinforced when he then sat down with four campaign supporters who won a raffle for lunch with the president. throw in the fact that administration officials confirm mr. obama will propose a panth% pay increase for federal employees. after initially pushing a two-year pay freeze. republicans see a president already trying to line up votes. he is always in campaign mode. if there is one thing that he does well, it s raise money in campaign. white house aides see it as the president simply f
results of tonight s caucus, determine whether there is a path forward for myself and this race. reporter: michelle bachmann came in dead last but gave no indication she is splitting. i believe i m that true conservative who can defeat barack obama in 2012. reporter: republicans moving on to new hampshire with a virtual tie at the top. but the other story here, a 25% win. it s the smallest win in the iowa caucuses in at least three decades, veronica. absolutely amazing. what does coming in second mean for rick santorum now moving forward? reporter: well this was literally almost a win for him. i mean we re talking a few handful of votes here. and so essentially what it means is that he moves forward in a very strong position for new hampshire and also it means that he is now in a good position to pick up more money,
spending money, coming back to the beaches that are now cleaner than they probably have ever been in decades. all of the tourism officials say not only is it better than the last year oil spill summer of 2010, they are all time record numbers. the numbers we saw in 2011 were the numbers that we were on track to make in 2010, had the spill not occurred. we still lost a year. if you look at the growth curve we have a one year set back, you can never gain a last year. we are pleased with the momentum we have now and are looking forward to a great 2012. reporter: if we take a look at some of the other reasons we had, oil spill, oil cleanup on the news nationwide every single day for months back in 2010, those are the images that really deterred so many people from coming out to the beaches along the gulf coast. replace that with the national ads that bp is running, these
looking on as prince william lays a wreath for those killed in wars. this is an important day for kate, the first time she s been on active duty alongside the queen and the senior members of the royal family since the royal wedding. reporter: every aspect of kate s appearances are scrutinized, this week wearing a dress by a designer favored by angelina jolie. so far those looking for signs of a baby bump will be disappoint sgld they ll be very busy representing the queen in the first half of 2012. reporter: as well as the jubilee marking the 60th year of the queen s reign, next summer britain hosts the olympics. it s reported the royal family will allow rooms to be held by the public, the first time in 500 years, though they will cost up to $50,000 a day, another sign that perhaps with kate
as far as local governments two, you know, we ll work with them to help them overcome their challenges but let me be clear. there is no bailout coming. there is no bailout because frankly there is no money. reporter: keep in mind the union victory on issue 2 was somewhat blunted by the conservative victory on issue 3 which allows ohioans opt out of the individual mandate of the president s portable care act. democrats say they will resonate throughout the country. this is former governor ted strickland. that was a good night for sherrod brown and president barack obama. this particular issue galvanized people in a way that gives energy to the democrats as we move into 2012. reporter: bottom line, a mixed message from ohio that reafter first this state s reputation as a volatile swing state. bill? bill: that it does. it fits the definition there