i don t know, if you did a survey, whether they would say they re sorry that walmart came in. what do you say to that? i agree with you, i think as consumers where there are existing businesses, people love walmart, if you ask the workers in those stores, you ll get a different answer. because walmart s pitch to urban america is, we re going to create quality jobs for you, in places of high unemployment. we know that s not the case. they have a policy of not only hiring temporary workers, they re not hiring people full time any more. those that want to work full time, they don t give them enough hours because they don t want to pay for health insurance. they claim they pay an average hourly wage of $12.78. if that were true, $12.50 wouldn t be a problem. we know they pay roughly in the $8 to $9 range. and they want to keep it that way. dorian warren from columbia university, thanks so much. thank you, chris. there is a fascinating [ male announcer ] away.
thanks so much. alison kosik there in the midst of it. we re not done. let s talk about that jobs report. christine romans is joining us now. we re all one big family, you know. we look a little different. but you re interchangeable, almost, given that you share a book. let s look at the unemployment rate. 7.7. very encouraging. an indicator of more jobs, particularly in the private sector. you see hiring in restaurants. you see hiring in offices and construction sites. let me dig into the numbers for you. unemployment rate, 7.7%. best in december. 2.78. private sector added 247,000 jobs. the government added 10,000. that s a trend we re seeing for some time. state budgets getting cut. economists are telling me this morning, probably school related jobs, but the private sector is hiring.
bill and hillary still very much active in politics. 20 years later, perhaps 2016 if you believe the pundits, may be hillary s term. he beat george h.w. and ross perot and wound up on the cover of people as person of the year. bill clinton was their person of the year. remember ross perot running for office? cover of times. times person of the year. bill clinton. that was a good time for everybody, too. and also some numbers are telling. this will put everything in perspective. this is what we were paying for gas $1.05. milk was $2.78. bacon which is right in my comfort zone, $1.92 per pound and the average price of a car was just under $17,000 compared to right now about $30,000 we re paying. we re paying $3.50 for gas and $4.61 for bacon. $4.61. $1.92 to $4.61. look at the difference in
active in politics. 20 years later, perhaps 2016 if you believe the pundits, may be hillary s term. and wound up on the cover of people as person of the year. bill clinton was their person of the year. remember ross perot running for office? cover of times. bill clinton. that was a good time for everybody, too. and also some numbers are telling. this will put everything in perspective. this is what we were paying for gas $1.05. milk was $2.78. $1.92 for bacon. the average price of a car was $17,000 compared to now is $30,000. we re paying $3.50 for gas and $4.61 for bacon.
separate from the debt ceiling crisis. i don t think, patti anne, you will have any impact on mortgage rates despite the crisis that is upon us. patti ann: that is good news for us. stuart varney, thank you as always. thank you. gregg: the debt ceiling first established in 1917. since then the debt limit has been raised 102 times, congress voted to raise the debt limit, 11 times since 2001. right now the national debt is over 16 trillion dollars and counting every second. there it is. patti ann: meanwhile hopes of a budget deal in washington and higher home prices are combining to send the price of oil back up again. heating oil rising four cents to more than $3 a gallon. wholesale gasoline rising six cents to $2.78 a gallon. current national average is $3.26. national gas up 4 cents to