meaning more americans have potentially more take-home pay. however, because of the increase in gas prices, more of the take-home pay could be going to the pump, especially when you consider the numbers. about a 31% rise in the cost of gas since last year. already the highest it s been since 2014 when 36 million americans hit the road this travel season. that certainly could add to pain at the pump. some say it is what it is, this is the reality of gas prices. but there are some, though, taking notice of this. there are some that said that maybe it s time to change jobs. an example, an uber driver who we heard from earlier today. so this is clearly what people could be thinking about ahead of midterms. that s the situation here on the grounds. when it comes down to it, the gas on average about 2.97 a gallon here in new jersey,
time of year. what exactly is driving this spike? reporter: think about it, fred. there s about 36 million people according to aaa hitting the roads this afternoon. it s expected to be an expensive travel season. the price of fuel, $2.97 a gallon nationally, that s something people here in new jersey would only hope for. the gas $3.10 when i checked a little while ago. a couple of reasons, to answer the question of why these kinds of prices. one is the president reimposing sanctions on iran. that extra demand has led to the highest fuel prices we ve seen in four years. what will that mean for the average consumer? consumer confidence could take a hit. many people, especially families living paycheck to paycheck, have relied heavily on those financial benefits that come with this trump tax plan. a little extra money in their pocket.
gas prices as a new tax on roughly some of the 36 million people expected to hit the road this summer at least this memorial day weekend, according to aaa. people are spending more on gas which could hurt consumer confidence, but it means more take-home for those benefitting on the trump tax plan. that could impact the upcoming midterms. what is happening here? at this point the average cost of a gallon of regular unleaded at $2.97. nationally here, people could only dream of that. it s about $3.10 ads the memorial day weekend gets started. those numbers according to aaa. certainly demand is up. at the same time, there s a spike in crude oil that has led to the increase in gas prices which haven t been this high since 2014. consider that. what do people have to say this morning? we re getting mixed reaction. for example, an uber driver told my colleague that maybe it s time to find another job. i also spoke to one of the 36
we look at the four-month difference. today s price is $2.97, it s almost $3.00. four months ago in january $2.56. so if you are filling up an average tanks of gas, about 12 gallons you are paying five bucks more out of your pocket to fill up the tank. if you live in a place where i grew up, people drive a long way to work often times. farther west you go in the united states from here in the oscella corridor, the days and the commutes are longer for people in the metroplexes. now, we do know that the russians and the saudis are rethinking whether or not they want to play this game in regard to increased gas prices. however, we know from 2004, 2006 there is a lot of political history to suggest that the higher the gas prices are, the worse it is for the party in power. even if there is nothing to do to change the outcome and it s
water, can you give us an example of some of those complaints, just individual ones? sure, sure. we had somewhere just prior to the hurricane, convenience stores were selling bottled water at $30 a case. it was ridiculous. home depot, they came in and they initially had a million waters, and though they brought in over 6 million waters into our state, selling them at $2.97 per case. are you going after those businesses? absolutely. anybody who complains, they are going to get a preservation letter to see if they are gouging. fuel in the wake of south florida was a big issue. chevron found out that one of one oratorical bad actors that owned franchises, chevron gave $1 million in relief efforts. overall, people are trying to be good. but again, now we are going to see that scams shift from