Tinniswood, who has been retired for more than half a century, inherited the Guinness World Records title from Venezuelan Juan Vicente Perez Mora, 114, whose death was announced earlier this week.
On January 24 around 6 p.m. 11-year-old Amari Green was walking from the Heilmann Recreation Center located just blocks away from his home. He was hit by a driver, who then sped away.
(COLORADO SPRINGS) Academy School District 20 is currently facing a federal lawsuit and accusations of failing to protect one of its former fifth-grade students from sexual assault. The lawsuit, filed on Jan. 24 by the parents of the former student, alleges that the school district violated Title IX regulations by not reporting the incident […]
After their 11-yerar-old nephew underwent a heart transplant, a south Omaha family is raising money to help with expenses and awareness of the importance of organ donation.