doing. michigan, if you go back to the vote of november 2008, you see the unemployment rate that stand at 11.2%. entirely too high. a lot of this has to do with the auto industry. the national average is 9.1%. the amount of jobs lost since the election of 2008 is not that dramatic. only down 14,000 jobs. but a lot of that has to do with the auto bailout that came out of washington to save many of those jobs. before the election the auto industry was struggling already in washington and gave a good hand to michigan to help itself. but if you look at some of these raw numbers out of michigan. in the city of draw it, unemployment is at 22.5%. the population in detroit over the past 10 years is down 25%. in real estate a survey found
merck began. the unemployment rate there is 11.2% and mitt romney s birth place and where he announced his 2008 campaign. how tough will it be for the president to be successful there? you know, it s a safe democratic state, it s gone democratic the last 5 elections. the nation s unemployment rate is pretty hard hit in industrial states like ohio. but the other problem in attracting support is from middle class white voters. his approval rating is down in the 30s. he needs to do more in the states that democrats traditionally rely on. he won the state by 6% in virginia. people in northern virginia, swing voters and voters in the
years old. he is a good man. he makes tough decisions. he s a leader. i just want everybody to give a fair look at him. anita perry also aggressively defended her husband s performance in the debates and his jobs record in texas. i don t think he did near as badly as what i m reading in the paper so i ve quit reading that. we don t need a 59-point plan or a 999 plan to get america working again. because we have the formula in texas that works. there you go. the president brings his jobs pitch to michigan. after rolling out the red carpet for south korean president lee at the state dinner last night the president takes the foreign leader on a road trip. that s the reddest of red carpet as the new york times puts it and travels to orion township, michigan to tour a gm assembly plant that produces the new chevrolet sonic sub compact. it is an opportunity to sell the new trade agreement with south korea to a state where the unemployment rate sits at 11.2%.
co-author. this was published in a peer review journal this is a scientific approach using data and statistical analysis to say quantitatively is the slant of the media and what is its bias. what was your methodology? how could you take a media organization and determine the extent of its media bias? the first thing i say it starts off with the notion of a political quotient. this is a method i ve devised to measure political views in a precise and quantitative weigh. on this scale nancy pelosi is about 100. michelle bachmann is about a 0. every member of congress on this scale, senator fred thompson is an 11.2. john kasich is a 14, by the way. i always knew he was a liberal. i want a recount. i demand a 0, okay? anyone wants to take my
co-author. this was published in a peer review journal this is a scientific approach using data and statistical analysis to say quantitatively is the slant of the media and what is its bias. what was your methodology? how could you take a media organization and determine the extent of its media bias? the first thing i say it starts off with the notion of a political quotient. this is a method i ve devised to measure political views in a precise and quantitative weigh. on this scale nancy pelosi is about 100. michelle bachmann is about a 0. every member of congress on this scale, senator fred thompson is an 11.2. john kasich is a 14, by the way. i always knew he was a liberal. i want a recount. i demand a 0, okay? anyone wants to take my