marco rubio s plan would reduce federal revenue by 11.8 trillion over the next decade according to citizens for tax justice with more than a third of the benefits going directly to the top 1%. since marco rubio promised not to cut defense or benefits for current or near retirees to pay for the cuts medicaid, veterans health insurance, transportation, border security and education not to mention the entire federal anti-poverty budget other than medicare and socialle security have to go. the bidding war over who can cut tax it is most has made george w. bush look cautious by comparison. up ahead, the first question i would ask the canada datas tonight. it s one i suspect would make them squirm. that s next.
getting an average of $180,000. ben carson s plan a 15% flat tax based on the idea of tithing would create a $1 trillion based on his own math. marco rubio s plan would reduce federal revenue by 11.8 trillion over the next decade according to citizens for tax justice with more than a third of the benefits going directly to the top 1%. since marco rubio promised not to cut defense or benefits for current or near retirees to pay for the cuts medicaid, veterans health insurance, transportation, border security and education not to mention the entire federal anti-poverty budget other than medicare and socialle security have to go. the bidding war over who can cut tax it is most has made george w. bush look cautious by comparison. up ahead, the first question i would ask the canada datas tonight. it s one i suspect would make them squirm. that s next.
to $11.8 trillion. they gave obama a horrific economy with falling numbers as far as revenue coming in. so to have only 6% of any group blaming the bush administration, at least equally for the deficit, is laughable. i don t disagree. i didn t expect you to. the poll also expects tea party backers are wealthier. this is interesting and people should take notice. they are wealthier, more educated tan the jnl public with 70% having at least a college degree and 50% earning $50,000 a year. more educated but they didn t read newspapers for eight years while bush was putting out his budgets. well, that s true. doesn t that cut into their central tenet where they say
horrible. to deal with unemployment benefits after watching the national debt go from $5.7 trillion to $11.8 trillion under republican leadership, it just it just again strikes a discord. let s get a look at some of today s other top stories. government forces in chile face another day of extraordinary challenges as police and soldiers work to contain the chaos following saturday s massive earthquake. at least 723 people are confirmed dead. a curfew is imposed in the country s second largest city following widespread looting. scientists say the sheer strength of the quake actually knocked the earth from its axis and shortened the day by a tiny fraction of a second. that s biblical. now, that is biblical. that s alabama pensacola. that is epic, my man, true story. it s like armageddon. yeah. the movie, not actually the revelation story.