If you are someone who didn’t write 12th exam or if you are 12th fail, do not worry about waiting for another year to write the exam or about wasting a year, Tamil Nadu government has a better idea from its idea bundle.
During interrogation, it was discovered that the accused lacked medical training and had worked as a senior compounder under various doctors, using his experience to treat patients
NYKS Recruitment 2021: Bumper vacancies for Class 10th pass at nyks.nic.in, check details here
A total of 13206 volunteers will be deployed in the country for the year 2021-22. Two volunteers per block in 623 kendras will be deployed.
Updated: Feb 9, 2021, 09:58 AM IST
NYKS Recruitment 2021: Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) has invited applications for National Youth Corps Scheme. 10th passed candidates are eligible for NYKS Volunteer Recruitment 2021. The age of the volunteer should be between 18 and 29 years. All the eligible and interested candidates can apply for NYKS Volunteer 2021 on the official website of NYKS i.e nyks.nic.in. Before applying, candidates must make sure that they have an Aadhaar Card, email ID, and mobile number for future correspondence.