Mar 31, 2021
Here is Renee s interview with Lauren Amendola, Executive Director of the Arthritis Foundation Connecticut Chapter, and 15 year old survivor, Madeline Barney.
They share the latest updates, including info on this year s virtual walk! Madeline also shares her personal story and journey living with arthritis.
Listen here:
Madeline s Story
Hi! My name is Madeline Barney and I am an Arthritis Warrior. My experience with arthritis began when I was 13 years old. I woke up one morning and saw that I had rashes up and down my whole body. The rashes came and went for a few days, and then I also started to get extremely high fevers and wasn’t able to move out of bed without being in excruciating pain.
Mar 31, 2021
Happening right now!
CareerConn2021 is a FREE Virtual Career School Fair for career seekers (high school students, adult learners, veterans) to explore careers in Nursing, Healthcare, Automotive, Hospitality Industry, Computers, Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Manufacturing, Construction and more!
CareerConn2021 includes Virtual Career School Fair, Career Tracks Workshops and more.
CareerConn2021 is an opportunity to learn more about career opportunities available in Connecticut that do not require a four-year college degree in fields, including Healthcare, Automotive, Hospitality Industry, Computers, Professional Beauty, Manufacturing, Construction, and more.
When is CareerConn2021: Wednesday, March 31, 2021. You can login anytime and workshops start at 9AM and run throughout the day until 4PM.