Hingga 25 Agustus 2021, Pertamina bersama anak usahanya telah berhasil mendistribusikan bantuan oksigen sebanyak 4.855 ton untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasien terpapar COVID-19 di 504 Rumah Sakit di 11 Provinsi di Pulau Jawa, Bali, NTB, Kalimantan Selatan, Sumatera Selatan dan Lampung.
corporate america and the wealthiest, most fortunate americans, that this is a person who has no conviction and is willing to go from saying in 2002, as recently as 2002 that he s deported roe vs. wade and a woman s right to choose and now is pro life. let s keep it on jobs. that s the reason you pulled out randy johnson. you were trying to say that he was let go. listen to what mitt romney said about your boss. listen to this. this is a president that lost more jobs in his tenure since every president since hoover. we created more jobs in massachusetts than this president has created in the entire country so if the president wants to talk about jobs and i hope he does, we ll be comparing my record with his record and he comes up very, very short. and our research shows that from 2009 to now, 1.855, we have 1.855 million fewer jobs under
corporate america and the wealthiest, most fortunate americans, that this is a person who has no conviction and is willing to go from saying in 2002, as recently as 2002 that he s deported roe vs. wade and a woman s right to choose and now is pro life. let s keep it on jobs. that s the reason you pulled out randy johnson. you were trying to say that he was let go. listen to what mitt romney said about your boss. listen to this. this is a president that lost more jobs in his tenure since every president since hoover. we created more jobs in massachusetts than this president has created in the entire country so if the president wants to talk about jobs and i hope he does, we ll be comparing my record with his record and he comes up very, very short. and our research shows that from 2009 to now, 1.855, we have 1.855 million fewer jobs under