colleagues and reporters, family was a key consideration. what i realizes if i m here for one more term, my kids will only have ever known me as a weekend dad. i just can t let that happen. ryan also spoke by phone this morning with his house g.o.p. leadership team, vice president pence, and president trump. the president saluted ryan s service on twitter, calling him a truly good man who will leave an unquestionable legacy of achievement. among the challenges for ryan, a vocal block of house conservatives who challenged his leadership. in negotiating partner in the president who at times could be unpredictable. the president threatened to veto a $1.320 pending baggage that he once embraced. another frustration was campaigning for years on repealing and replacing obamacare and the senate coming up short. the senate majority leader noted that ryan didn t aspire to be speaker. like a true leader, paul stepped up to the plate. he answered his colleagues call