Alan Peter Cayetano, who initially aspired for the presidency, was the top ad spender from January to September 2021. But this was overshadowed by the combined ads of Senate aspirant Mark Villar and members of his family.
The 2022 elections are shaping up to have the most ‘shared’ candidates in recent history. At least five senatorial hopefuls are ‘guest candidates’ on at least three slates.
Diokno himself debunks the claim in the comments of the post. The page that created the post identifies itself as satirical, but some netizens continue to share the misleading post as if it were true.
The pandemic has made it harder for Filipinos abroad to commute to diplomatic posts to register. 'Overseas voting has been around for a while now, why can't they make it easier?' asks a 1Sambayan convenor in Canada.
The ruling party pulls one surprise after another during and long after COC week. ‘It’s a sign of desperation on the part of PDP-Laban…. they have a problem in the house, inside the PDP-Laban house,’ says a governance professor.