The Kerala High Court on Thursday directed the Ernakulam District and Sessions Judge to conduct a fact finding enquiry on the allegations raised by the survivor in the 2017 actor sexual assault case.
The Kerala High Court on Thursday laid down comprehensive guidelines to be followed by law enforcement agencies and Courts while handling sexually explicit materials. The Single Judge Bench of Justice.
The Kerala High Court on Wednesday relieved Advocate Renjith B. Marar, who was appointed as the Amicus Curia in the 2017 Actor Assault case to assist in the formulation guidelines to be issued to.
The Kerala High Court on Monday reserved for orders the plea filed by the survivor in the 2017 actor assault case seeking a court-monitored investigation into the leakage of visuals from the Memory.
The Kerala High Court on Tuesday dismissed a petition filed on behalf of Reporter TV challenging the order of a Sessions Court directing the news channel to produce the news items, including.