The court had, on Wednesday, held Bhatt guilty of falsely implicating a Rajasthan-based lawyer by claiming that in 1996 police had seized drugs from a hotel room in Palanpur where the lawyer was staying
Kayo Kayo Colour? (What Colour?), by Shahrukhkhan Chavada, an independent filmmaker from Ahmedabad, is a stirring poetic ode to the ordinariness of his community’s life rarely seen on the big screen in India.
In a significant verdict, the Supreme Court in the case Bilkis Yakub Rasool v. Union of India (“Bilkis Bano Case”), has quashed the order of the Gujarat Government granting remission to the 11.
The lessons of the Bilkis Bano case are that the dignity, liberty, privacy and human rights of citizens are violated with impunity. But there are intrepid police officers and courageous judges who will punish the guilty.