Sembuh sebesar 81,75% atau 10.302 kasus. Angka meninggal sebesar 2,04% atau 257 kasus. Sedangkan yang masih rawat 16,21% dari total kasus atau sebesar 2043 kasus.
cobb a white house lawyer who has no independent information of any of this but the white house, simply, will not comment out of respect for the special counsel and they re moving forward and trying to cooperate as much as they can with the investigation, sean. sean: thank you, ed henry. here with more reaction, fox news contributor, sara carter and legal analyst gregg jarrett. start the new text messages, sara. they re very explosive. when you hear the chairman talk about this the fact they have 0 302 witness interviews and don t want to share them with congress because of how inflammatory they d be. remember how long it took for congress to get the text messages and fbi witness, 302