. i only h have five co-sponsors. i m talking to all of my colleagues and urging them because tucker, let me tellurgiu something,. this is a referendum on the republican party when we take back the majority, if the american people elect us , we need we have a lot of work to do., not only do we need to impeach merrick garland, we need to clean out the corrupt fbi. we need to hold the democrats a accountable to defund all of their climate garbage. eighty seven thousand irs 8 arm. but there s one thing that we have got to do and we re notic even a party worsean deserving f the american people s votes. if we cannot protect childrenld from this horrific child abuseo and create this to be a felony because this practice has tof end, it s the kind of things nightmares are made of and these are monsterss under kids beds that are doing these horrific things to them. yes, we can t mutilate children. sorry. and i hopeope you will send a lr of every republican is tooaf cowardly to affirm the obviou