special. we ve already done the cattle mutilations. now it s eagles cat story. okay. what can you find out? wal-mart, other thand at great , yos? if you re in rice lake, wisconsin, it s going to you can find hail inside. well, it was hailing inside the wal-mart and you re how big was the hill? why? the answer to that goto some of it was the size of a golf ball. in other words, the size bal a tennis ball. and the wal-mart was closed on wednesday, believe, due to the store damages. but i couldn t finged anyatel updates, unfortunately, about whether it was open now or not. sher it wo somebody could plt me know. i d really appreciate it. they always compare it to golf . i know it s always like sporting equipment, which it s like some oballs it always. yeah, i think they should compare them to eyeballs. the sizeldhe of eyeballs because i would scare the hell out of children. it s the size of eyeball it s. please. all right, loftus, round this great.