take a quick look from triple-a. the stats of gas prices in the administration from january 20, 2009, $1.84. there is the different increments up to february 23. $3.61. that is average. some places are higher. what about this and energy strategy going forward? bring in the panel. bill kristol, editor of weekly standard. charles lane, opinion writer for washington post. syndicated columnist, charles krauthammer. okay, bill, what about the president s pitch and explanation and how it plays? i kept looking for the speech for the most notable policy initiative of the administration, which was cap and trade. remember that? the democratic congress, the house passed the bill. that was the centerpiece of the legislative agenda? what happened to that? he doesn t mention it. he is adjusting politically, and i give him credit for that, i suppose, as a political matter. he is a flexible president. now he is very concerned about rising gas prices.
$3.61 a gallon. steve rattner, the president talked about generally supporting an all of the above approach which i agree. i wrote about it several years ago. we need to do everything. right. we need to do nuclear. we need to do alternative energy. we need to drill. we need to go natural gas. but his own environmental base is preventing him from moving forward on the keystone pipeline. his own environmental base is making him hold back on fraking and going after natural gas reserves that we have here. his own environmental base is stopping him from drilling as aggressively as most presidents would drill in the position that we re in now where we need to bring domestic consumption up. is that going to solve all the problem? no. would it help some? steve? yeah. everything you say is true, but it s at the margin. look, the world uses something like 80 million barrels a day of oil. the fundamental problem at the moment is we don t have a lot of
jumped another $3.3 cents bringing the average to $3.61 a gallon. the president s re-election team is airing this 30-second ad in michigan, painting president obama as a champion of the auto industry, while taking a jab at the candidates hoping to replace him. made in america, for generations of michigan auto workers, it s more than a slogan. it s a way of life. but when a million jobs were on the line, every republican candidate turned their back, even said, let detroit go bankrupt. not him. don t bet against the american auto industry. now, a retool, restructured industry is back, because of the grit and sacrifice of michigan workers. don t bet against the american worker. i m barack obama, and i approve this message. that ad is airing in several michigan cities ahead of the republican primary on tuesday. turning overseas, afghan president hamid karzai is calling for restraint by protesters today following an apology from president obama
from wednesday to thursday bringing the national average to $3.61 a gallon. the president s re-election team is now airing a 30-second ad in michigan painting the president as a champion of the auto industry while taking a jab at the candidane candidates hopinge him. it s more than a slogan, it s a way of life. but when a million jobs are on the line, every candidate turned their back, they even said let detroit go bankrupt. not him. now, a retooled, restructured industry is back because of the grit and sacrifice of michigan workers. don t bet against the american worker. i m about a robarack obama and this ad. you can put a check mark by the president in michigan.
white house. according to aaa, drivers are paying a average of $3.61 for a lal lon of unleaded fuel. three cents pop overnight than it was wednesday. stuart varney joins me. the anchor of varney & company on the fox business network. stuart, this was not a part of the huge discussion last night interestingly enough, but continues to be a big story. not a single question on the gas price run-up, in fact we re in middle of rapid surge phase at the gas price run-up. huge detail there, 3.61 is the national average up just three cents overnight. look at california for a second. here is what a surge is all about. 4.14 for regular there, up seven cents just overnight. look at cincinnati, pick some individual cities, cincinnati the price of regular has gone up 27 cents in one week. in los angeles it is up 24 cents in one week. right now we re on track to beat the previous record year, 2008, very, very