increased domestic production. that s why the price of regular gas, $4.61 at that station yesterday. ainsley: he s a dictator. he s an authoritarian. we are funding them. $2.77 a career, $4.17 now. diesel fuel it was $1400 to fill an 18 wheeler tank. that price is passed on to you because they are traveling with all the goods you buy at the grocery store. anything you buy is more expensive now because of gas prices. brian: as high as that is and inconvenient it may be, unaffordable to many too, when quinnipiac asked the question if you support a ban, 71% said yes. that leads to well, having said that, you know what the public sentiment is, they see the horror which vladimir putin russian army is inflicting on
hearings until 2023, so as to whether that will report in time for the next election is anyone s gas. thank you, hugh pym. growth bounced back in the uk economy injanuary with gross domestic product incrasing by 0.8 per cent over the month. it wiped out a 0.2 per cent drop the previous month. it means that gdp is above its pre pandemic level, though analysts are warning there ll be serious economic consequences of russia s invasion of ukraine, with added inflationary pressures. and petrol prices have risen above £1.60 a litre on average for the first time as the war in ukraine continues to affect the worldwide cost of oil. unleaded petrol hit £1.61 a litre yesterday, having risen by 8p in a week, while diesel reached £1.70 a litre. the rac has warned that prices at the pump are set to remain high for some time. a triple killer who murdered a mother, her son and a stranger
pump. to be really clear the president does not control the price of gasoline. no president does. but what we re seeing right now is this global mismatch between supply and demand. that was actually a throwback bite to the energy secretary. of course later on we ll hear from the president. he is going to say what he thinks he can do to lower the price of gas, but you heard right there jennifer granholm not something the president can do. a year ago the average price for a gallon of gas only $2.87 a gallon. a month only only $3.61. today $4.22 is the average. again we ll hear from the council of economic advisors, it will be up to private industry to make this happen. they have to work to bring wells back online that they
well, into ways. one, texas. the build back better plan, it raises taxes on corporations, but they don t pay taxes, you pay taxes. it raises taxes on small businesses, individuals, and families and after they take a bite of the apple, when you die, they will take an extra $0.61 of every dollar you might have in your piggy bank. everyone in america will bill the impact of these taxes. it doesn t matter if you re wealthy, poor, middle-class, somewhere in between. reparations, businesses, will not sit back, they are not going to take the loss, they will pass that tax on to you, the consumer. you will pay these taxes. everything you buy will become more expensive and that s not all. the second way the federal government will raise funds is through what they call quantitative easing. in other words, they are just going to print money. this causes inflation. that means your paycheck becomes less and less valuable and again, everything you buy will once again become more expensive. your groce
single penny? well, into ways. one,ax texas. the build back better plan, it raises taxes on corporations, but they don t pay taxes, you pay taxes. it raises taxes on small businesses, individuals, and families and after they take a bite of the apple, when you die, they will take an extra $0.61 of every dollar you might have inin your piggy bank. everyone in america will bill the impact of these taxes. it doesn t matter if you re wealthy, poor, middle-class, somewhere in between. reparations, businesses, will not sit back, they are not going to take the loss, they will pass that tax on to you, the consumer. you will pay these taxes. everything you buy will become more expensive and that s not all. the second way the federal government will raise funds is through what they call quantitative easing. in other words, they are just going to print money. this causes inflation. that means your paycheck becomes less and less valuable and again, everything you buy will once again become more exp