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February starts off with government meetings in Marble Falls and Cottonwood Shores. Check agendas before attending for details on watching the meetings remotely or, if permitted, in person.
Lakeside Pavilion, 307 Buena Vista Drive, Marble Falls
On the agenda: A public hearing, discussion, and first reading of an ordinance that could lower the speed limit within the city along U.S. 281 to 35 mph from 40 mph and to 45 mph from 50 mph in places.
DailyTrib.com Support Community Press You can show your support of a vibrant and healthy free press by becoming a voluntary subscriber. Subscribe Now Lorinda Peters of Highland Haven began playing the bagpipes in 2011 when she and her husband, Jay, lived in Iowa. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
For Highland Lakes bagpiper Lorinda Peters, the music she elicits from an instrument the size of her torso inspires her to continue learning, playing, and improving.
“There’s just something amazing about bagpipe music,” Peters said. “You don’t just hear it, you feel it through your entire body.”
If you’ve attended a Marble Falls Rotary Club Veterans Day or 9/11 event in the past several years, you’ve probably heard Peters play a tune the word bagpipers often use for songs. It was the haunting beauty of those tunes that first drew Peters to the instrument, which she took up in 2011 when she and her husband, Jay, lived in Iowa.