Mukluk ridge: Waterfalls tumble in a ravine at the Sprague Land Preserve. (Betsy Graham)
Waterfalls tumble in a ravine at the Sprague Land Preserve. (Betsy Graham)
Left to right: Bob Graham, Mary Sommer, Steve Fagin and Maggie Jones cross a stream at the Sprague Land Preserve. (Betsy Graham)
Don Konow’s sculptures are fan favorites on the Fairy Trail at the Sprague Land Preserve. (Betsy Graham)
Waterfalls tumble in a ravine at the Sprague Land Preserve. (Betsy Graham)
Published January 28. 2021 7:32AM By
Steve Fagin
After clambering up a steep slope through a dense evergreen grove, our group paused briefly to gaze at the fast-flowing Shetucket River far below, and issued a collective “Wow!”