(Shutterstock/Clifford Wayne Estes)
SEATTLE Some of Seattle s most popular cruises could be on hold for another year, following a decision by the Canadian government to extend its ban on large cruise ships through February 2022. The order does not apply to smaller vessels carrying 100 or fewer people.
In a formal announcement Thursday, Canadian officials said the ban could be lifted early if coronavirus conditions improve considerably. As Canadians continue to do their part to reduce the spread of COVID-19, our government continues to work hard to ensure Canada s transportation system remains safe, said Omar Alghabra, Canada s transport minister. Temporary prohibitions to cruise vessels and pleasure craft are essential to continue to protect the most vulnerable among our communities and avoid overwhelming our health care systems. This is the right and responsible thing to do.
AB83 February 4, 2021 (5:41 pm)
OK so now there’s room to open up the Low Bridge for Harbor a Island workers that live in West Seattle. come on SDOT do the right thing here and give back access to the people used it before this whole thing began.
skeeter February 5, 2021 (11:46 am)
I’m a West Seattle fella who works on Harbor Island, too. If you need to drive across the bridge to get your job done, talk to your employer. There are passes available. For commuting, it’s not too bad to just park on the West Seattle side and walk or bike across the bridge to get to work. There is also extremely frequent bus service between West Seattle and Harbor Island if you don’t want to walk or bike. My commute between West Seattle and Harbor Island is super easy and enjoyable. I bike most of the time and take the bus if the weather is really crummy. But I’m young and healthy. I’m sure it’s a much bigger problem for those who are not able to easily wa
How rainy has it been? The through-the-windshield, under-the-bridge view by Jerry Simmons captures it. Through early this morning, the official gauge at Sea-Tac had recorded almost an inch, and we’re almost four inches past normal for the year so far. Off-and-on rain is expected for the rest of the day. A few other notes:
Origins Cannabis (40th/Edmunds; WSB sponsor), 11 am-1:30 pm – thanks for the tip!
TERMINAL 5 UPDATE: This is on the agenda when Seattle and Tacoma port commissioners meet online at 11:30 am as the Northwest Seaport Alliance managing members – info’s in our preview.
10:21 AM: The next round of pile-driving is ahead for the
Terminal 5 project, according to this alert we received from the
Contractors will conduct pile driving at Terminal 5 in West Seattle beginning February 8, 2021. Pile driving will continue through March and possibly into April. The activity will include both vibratory and impact hammer pile driving. The vibratory method is relatively quiet and will likely be audible only to businesses and residences close to the terminal. Impact hammer driving will be more audible, and the sound will travel greater distances than the vibratory driving. The schedule calls for three or four days of vibratory driving, followed by three or four days of impact driving.