Even though we are well into the Spring of 2021, winter apparently is not done with us yet!
Over the last few days, we have been hearing that we could get some nasty weather and maybe even some snow by the end of the week. Well, it looks like it could end up being a little more than just a few snow showers.
According to News Center Maine, it looks like we will definitely be dealing with a Spring Nor easter over the next couple of days.
While we are starting Thursday off with lots of sun and temps in the mid-50s, it won t last. The clouds will roll in this afternoon and this evening.
A look back at historic snow storms in Connecticut
Associated Press, Lidia Ryan, Frank Juliano
Dec. 16, 2020
The National Weather Service maintains a Significant Weather Events Archive that goes back to 2010. In that time, it lists six storms officially classified as blizzards in southern Connecticut.
Of course, the infamous Feb. 6, 1978, Storm of the Century is missing, as is the granddaddy of them all, the March 11, 1888, Great New England Blizzard.
The storm that is just arriving in our area now may make these seem so, well, last century. We ll have to see.
staff photo/file photo
Feb. 7, 1978 - Two special police officers try to dig out a medical technician on the corner of Grove and Broad Streets in Stamford after the blizzard of 1978.