WNBA player Natasha Cloud and professional softballer Aleshia Ocasio reportedly tied the knot in a secret ceremony last fall. Cloud made the heartwarming revelation during a “Women’s Basketball” conversation on the social media app Clubhouse Wednesday, according to sports reporter Greydy Diaz, though the couple has not yet publicly confirmed the news elsewhere. Cloud said she was partially motivated to marry out of fear that Trump’s reelection could lead to further assaults on queer rights.
The marriage didn’t come out of nowhere, though: fans may have noticed clues about the athletes’ nuptials on their social media accounts. Over the holidays, Cloud uploaded a photo of her and Ocasio to Instagram with the caption “The Cloud’s”.
Updated: 11:43 AM EST Mar 10, 2021 Troy Frisby Digital Content Producer A church in Savannah, Georgia, recognized the marriages of same-sex couples for the first time ever.Catherine Gilbert and Sandra Golden were among more than 30 couples involved in the virtual celebration, which honored the unions of LGBTQ and straight couples whose marriages had previously gone unrecognized. This one thing was missing for the gay and lesbian community, and to be able to now say we can participate in every celebration from birth to death, including marriage, is really significant for those of us who choose to be in a married relationship, said Gilbert, who has been with Golden for 17 years.The Rev. Billy Hester, head minister at Asbury, explained that the online event was a 27-year dream for him and others affiliated with the church.Before splitting from the United Methodist Church, Asbury couldn t officially recognize same-sex marriages. So in 2016, they stopped
Updated: 11:43 AM EST Mar 10, 2021 Troy Frisby Digital Content Producer A church in Savannah, Georgia, recognized the marriages of same-sex couples for the first time ever.Catherine Gilbert and Sandra Golden were among more than 30 couples involved in the virtual celebration, which honored the unions of LGBTQ and straight couples whose marriages had previously gone unrecognized. This one thing was missing for the gay and lesbian community, and to be able to now say we can participate in every celebration from birth to death, including marriage, is really significant for those of us who choose to be in a married relationship, said Gilbert, who has been with Golden for 17 years.The Rev. Billy Hester, head minister at Asbury, explained that the online event was a 27-year dream for him and others affiliated with the church.Before splitting from the United Methodist Church, Asbury couldn t officially recognize same-sex marriages. So in 2016, they stopped
Marriage in India is not just a union of two individuals but an institution between biological man and woman, the Centre told the Delhi High Court today while opposing same-sex marriage.