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Amid the backdrop of rallies and marches elevating Black lives in America, a wave of violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders across the country during the COVID-19 pandemic also has entered the national conversation.
They routinely encounter prejudice that makes them feel like foreigners in their own country, according to interviews with Asian American and Pacific Islanders who live in Rochester or the surrounding suburbs.
Stop AAPI Hate is an advocacy center that tracks and responds to hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. The group said it received more than 2,800 reports of hate incidents directed at Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders nationwide January 2020, as the coronavirus spread.
By the time video scenes of a brutal prison riot in Ecuador earlier this year reached Asia, the video’s caption had been changed and read, “American Blacks and Whites in California Killing Chinese,” and the clip went viral.
Disinformation like that video, doctored to promote anti-U.S. hatred, is growing in Thailand, media researchers said.
Chinese narratives, whether fake news or state-sponsored propaganda, are gradually seeping into Thai media, academia, and political and business circles, and people from different sectors in Thailand are expressing concern over the phenomenon, experts said.
In the violent video, an Asian man is seen lying on the ground covered in blood and with his face wrenched in pain. Dozens of Spanish-speaking men attack him with bats and sticks, beating him in broad daylight.
By the time video scenes of a brutal prison riot in Ecuador earlier this year reached Asia, the video’s caption had been changed and read, “American Blacks and Whites in California Killing Chinese,” and the clip went viral.
Disinformation like that video, doctored to promote anti-U.S. hatred, is now growing in Thailand, say media researchers.
Chinese narratives, whether fake news or state-sponsored propaganda, are gradually seeping into Thai media, academia, and political and business circles, and people from different sectors in Thailand are expressing concern over the phenomenon, experts say.
In the violent video, an Asian man is seen lying on the ground covered in blood and with his face wrenched in pain. Dozens of Spanish-speaking men attack him with bats and sticks, beating him in broad daylight.
South Korea tends to like giving nicknames to the popular celebrities starting with National . Mostly it s a good image such as National First Love
IU, and etc. But there s a famous National Thief ! It is the actor
Yeon Jung-hoon, who married a beautiful actress,
Han Ga-in. In 2005, when they were married, he became all South Korean men s enemy because
Han Ga-in was one of the hottest star at the time.
Their love story is one of the sweetest though, they are actually childhood friends, and their long-run friendship ended up in a beautiful marriage.