Proposal for next phase expands eligibility for vaccines to nearly half the population. By Graham Kilmer - Jan 20th, 2021 03:49 pm //end headline wrapper ?>Get a daily rundown of the top stories on Urban Milwaukee
Dr. Ben Weston receives second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. File photo courtesy of the Medical College of Wisconsin.
If the latest draft of recommendations for the next phase of vaccinations is accepted by the state Department of Health Services, nearly half the state’s adult population will be eligible for the vaccine.
The state committee responsible for developing draft recommendations for the next phase of vaccinations met this morning and added new groups to a list that was released last week for public comment.
Prisoners could get vaccine before some seniors, frontline workers
Prisoners could get vaccine before some seniors, frontline workers
The first phase of Wisconsin s COVID-19 vaccine plan is less than 20% complete. But state health officials are already looking ahead to who gets it next.
MILWAUKEE - The first phase of Wisconsin s COVID-19 vaccine plan is less than 20% complete. But state health officials are already looking ahead to who gets it next. Will you be a part of Phase 1b? The rollout has not gone real smoothly, said Jonathan Temte, Vaccine Subcommittee co-chair.
With just 17% of health care workers and nursing home residents inoculated so far, Phase 1a of the state s COVID-19 vaccine plan is far from over. But the Evers administration is close to submitting a final plan for Phase 1b.
Debate stirs over next phase of COVID-19 vaccine distribution
Debate stirs over next phase of COVID-19 vaccine distribution
Who is next to get COVID-19 vaccines? Essential workers? The elderly? A panel of state health experts is starting to debate Phase 1B.
MADISON, Wis. - Tens of thousands of health care workers and nursing home residents have already gotten a COVID-19 vaccination. There are still hundreds of thousands left. But after that, who is next?
Some say it ought to be the elderly. Others say younger essential workers should take precedent. But how do you define essential?
Ask almost anyone if their job is essential and they re likely to answer yes.