“Peony Pride,” watercolor by Sally Reed, Milton Arts Guild. May 19, 2021
Wading Flamingoes” by Gerilyn Gaskill, Milton Arts Guild.
For the first time since the COVID pandemic began, Milton Arts Guild has reopened its gallery for Favorite Things, an artist’s-choice exhibit featuring works in multiple mediums.
The show, which is also viewable online at miltonartsguild.org, highlights 28 works from 15 guild artists.
Favorite Things runs through Sunday, July 11. The gallery, located at 310 Walnut St., is open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday to Sunday.
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Daily Headlines
Painting represents Delaware’s part in fundraising for historic fire impacts May 12, 2021
Milton Arts Guild artist Anne Buck submitted her “Watch Tower” painting for the Ashes to Art auction to benefit Colorado fire departments affected by the 2020 wildfires.
Anne Buck, an award-winning watercolor painter and member of Milton Arts Guild, has submitted a painting to Ashes to Art, an online auction that benefits Colorado fire departments devastated by the historic fires of 2020.
Artists from all 50 states are represented in the auction. Buck’s work, “Watch Tower,” represents Delaware’s participation in Ashes to Art.
The 2021 Ashes to Art Project, co-founded by Lori Joseph and Tim O’Hara, solicited various forms of art – ranging from paintings to jewelry to sculptures – to be sold in an online auction for charity. Each piece of artwork must incorporate charcoal from the actual wildfires in some way.
Group prepares to move into new facility
After a year being closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Milton Arts Guild reopened with its Celebration exhibit and Spring Fling Market sale over the weekend of May 1. Shown with some of the works in the Celebration collection are guild board members (l-r) Donna Sheppard, Sue Dutton and Lynda Rae Gannon. RYAN MAVITY PHOTOS
Ryan Mavity May 7, 2021
A table at the weekend-long Spring Fling Market is filled with artwork done by Milton Arts Guild members.
After being closed for more than a year, Milton Arts Guild members and guests gathered April 30 to celebrate old friends and new beginnings.
Siobhan Duggan will teach a four-part virtual class on soft pastels. May 1, 2021
Milton Arts Guild will hold a new four-part virtual class, Drawing in Soft Pastels, taught by distinguished artist Siobhan Duggan, to be held on consecutive Tuesday afternoons, noon to 2 p.m., throughout the month of May (May 4, 11, 18 and 25).
During the soft pastels workshop, students will discuss choosing a subject, underpainting color choices, how to use pastels throughout a drawing, and adding details in the final stages to complete a picture.
Using soft pastels (as opposed to oil pastels), students will work from their own photo references. Each class will include a demonstration, time to work and feedback from the instructor.
April 30, 2021
Award-winning watercolor artist Marilyn Rose will offer a still life class May 5.
Milton Arts Guild will hold a Watercolor Still Life virtual demonstration by award-winning watercolor artist Marilyn Rose Wednesday, May 5, from 3 to 5 p.m.
The demonstration will discuss the topic of how to compose and paint ordinary objects to make an extraordinary painting. Students will learn about using positive and negative shapes, shows and grouping objects to create a successful composition - from thumbnail to finished work.
Rose is a signature member of the Northeast Watercolor Society, Catharine Lorillard Wolf Art Club, New Jersey Watercolor Society, and the Garden State Watercolor Society. Her paintings have won numerous awards and are held in private and corporate collections across the country.