Lawmakers propose 5-year extension of Maine’s lobster marketing group
The Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative’s 5-year authorization is set to expire in October, but one official says the group s work is more important than ever.
A year after the coronavirus pandemic devastated Maine’s usual lobster markets, and as the industry braces for yet another onslaught of changes brought about by right whale regulations, state legislators are proposing a bill to reauthorize the organization that markets Maine’s signature shellfish for at least five more years.
The Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative, created in 2013 to replace the Lobster Promotion Council, promotes Maine lobster to restaurants, cruise ships, casinos, hotels and, especially within the past year, to grocery stores and home cooks.
Lobster marketing group adapts to shifting landscape
ELLSWORTH Like so many businesses and organizations, the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative is hoping for a return to some semblance of normal while preparing for continued uncertainty.
The collaborative’s 2021 marketing plan calls for the group to “remain nimble and (re)plan in real time to address the evolving and unpredictable landscape.”
The group, founded in 2013, is funded by Maine fishermen, dealers and processors to grow demand for Maine lobster and lobster products.
Last spring, as the pandemic unfolded, the group shifted its focus from restaurants and distributors to grocery stores and home cooks, promoting the Maine lobster as an easy-to-prepare and tasty option for home dining.
Canadian lobster poised to hold long-lasting MSC label edge over US
Dec. 16, 2020 17:58 GMT
Now that Canada s lobster harvesters, processors and exporters hold the advantage of a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification over their US rivals, don t look for them to give it up any time soon [.]
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