Congreso aprueba cremación de restos de terrorista Abimael Guzmán. Habla exministro Carlos Basombrío: “Es un gobierno penetrado por Sendero Luminoso”. Guido Bellido: “Postura del Gobierno es que el Ministerio Público resuelva sobre Abimael Guzmán”. Congreso aprobó texto sustitutorio que interpreta Constitución Política sobre la cuestión de confianza.
El sujeto fue detenido gracias a la denuncia de la última de sus víctimas, quien declaró que el hombre aparte de agredirla sexualmente, la acosó verbalmente.
First steps
Who will know that I have been detained?
When a British national is arrested and detained in Cuba, the Cuban authorities are required to inform the British Embassy. By law, we should be officially informed during the first 72 hours.
However, this is usually done in writing and can take a week to ten days to reach us. We may be informed more quickly by friends or relatives present at the time of the incident , or sometimes directly by the Cuban authorities or British travel companies whose customer has been involved in the case.
What my family will be told?
gasworld understands the situation remains grave in the Brazilian city.
Mid-January saw widespread reports that hospitals in Manaus had reached ‘breaking point’ in their treatment of growing numbers of Covid-19 patients, as oxygen shortages took hold in the region.
The city, with a population of 2.1 million inhabitants, in Amazonas state and around 3,900km north of the city of Sao Paulo, was understood to be experiencing a surge in both infections and fatalities – and at the mercy of dwindling oxygen supply.
In the days and weeks since, various accounts have painted a picture similar to that of Peru in June last year, with concerned locals pictured queuing up at a local oxygen cylinder filling site and taking supply into their own hands.