Trailer: Pandemic Thriller BREAKDOWN Available On VOD By David Gelmini
Now available on VOD platforms, the new action-thriller
Breakdowndeals with the consequences of a global pandemic, making it an extremely relevant film for today’s times. Director Thomas Haley stars as Tim Reynolds, a man who sets out to discover a cure to the mysterious plague which wiped out most of the world’s population and forced the survivors into quarantine zones. The film also stars Corey Sorenson, Brooklyn Haley, John Marrott, and Jessica Cameron.
Although Breakdown was already well into pre-production before the COVID-19 pandemic, Haley and screenwriter Dan Jagels were still surprised at how much the concept mimicked real life when COVID reached Los Angeles, where filming took place. As it was shot during the pandemic, a skeleton crew was utilised to ensure that social distancing measures could be maintained by everyone involved.