Storm Christoph travel updates as hundreds evacuated amid threat to life flood warning
Hundreds of Merseyside residents forced out their homes amid flood warnings and travel chaos this Thursday
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Latest Storm Christoph travel updates this Thursday as residents have been forced out their homes amid what the Environment Agency term a threat to life flood warning. Sefton Council is advising some people, living in Maghull, to evacuate for the safety of their families.
The water level in the nearby River Alt hit 2.5m on Wednesday and could rise to 3.5m today..
A FUNDRAISING page set up to support the family of a late firefighter has generated thousands of pounds. Aston Everett, of Little Oakley, tragically died after suffering a brain aneurysm while working for the Urban Search and Rescue crew. The 54-year-old, who had worked for the Essex Fire and Rescue Service for 16 years, served Clacton and Dovercourt’s fire stations among others. Aston’s friend and colleague, watch manager Ben Turner, launched a fundraising campaign to support Aston’s family and more than £14,000 has already been donated. Mr Turner said: “Thank you to every single person who has helped us come this far, this will make such a big difference.
A FUNDRAISING page set up to support the family of a late firefighter has generated thousands of pounds. Aston Everett, of Little Oakley, tragically died after suffering a brain aneurysm while working for the Urban Search and Rescue crew. The 54-year-old, who had worked for the Essex Fire and Rescue Service for 16 years, served Clacton and Dovercourt’s fire stations among others. Aston’s friend and colleague, watch manager Ben Turner, launched a fundraising campaign to support Aston’s family and more than £14,000 has already been donated. Mr Turner said: “Thank you to every single person who has helped us come this far, this will make such a big difference.