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The Idea That Inflation Is Transitory Is Nonsense : How One Hedge Fund Manager Plans To Profit From Fed Stupidity

Expand The Idea That Inflation Is Transitory Is Nonsense : How One Hedge Fund Manager Plans To Profit From Fed Stupidity by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Jun 15, 2021 - 08:25 PM Ahead of tomorrow s FOMC decision, and in general, two clear camps are emerging when it comes to the increasingly acrimonious debate whether the current soaring inflation is transitory or not. In one camp we have the establishmentarians: those with little vision, limited imagination, and whose job precludes them from conceiving of any outcome but that accepted by the groupthink led by the Fed. As noted earlier, this now includes the vast majority of Wall Street.

越来越多基金经理认同:暂时性通胀纯属 无稽之谈 _个股资讯_市场_中金在线

  智通财经APP获悉,巴哈马对冲基金拿骚(Nassau)首席投资官表示,拜登政府的许多议程,包括减少财富不平等和推广清洁能源,都支持结构性地提振通胀。   尽管美联储官员则持相反观点,在周二开始的为期两天的会议前强调,他们预计近期通胀飙升不会持续。很多人都在讨论这一问题,如果伯纳德(Bernard)或保罗?都铎?琼斯(Paul Tudor Jones)等基金经理的观点被证明是正确的,这可能意味着央行行长们将不得不着手制定计划,开始实现其超宽松货币政策的正常化。   伯纳德在一次采访中表示:“认为通胀是暂时的想法是无稽之谈。”   据悉,这位基金经理15岁开始了她的金融生涯,当时她说服传奇投资者约翰邓普顿爵士(Sir John Templeton)让她加入邓普顿全球顾问公司(Templeton Global Advisors)暑期实习工作。她的职业生涯还包括在德意志银行(Deutsche

Silver the next target of exuberant Reddit social media traders

Silver the next target of exuberant Reddit social media traders Posted TueTuesday 2 updated WedWednesday 3 Silver prices have recently been trading around eight-year highs. ( Print text only Cancel Early on the morning of September 12, 2001, my home phone didn t stop ringing. I eventually picked it up and my panicked boss wanted me to come into work ASAP. I was a desk jockey for a stockbroking firm and the phones were ringing off the hook. Clients wanted to sell, sell, sell following news of the terror attacks overnight in Manhattan. The trading floor was abuzz with a mixture of excitement, uncertainty and unease.

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