WINNIPEG Unused vaccine appointments and high rural demand has one Manitoban asking the province to allow extra doses from pop-up clinics to be given to people not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine due to their age. Brandy Beischer lives in Russell, Manitoba, the site of an upcoming vaccination pop-up clinic, but one she is ineligible for because she is 44, 10 years younger than the current age limit. “I would like the local pop-up clinics to have the ability to adjust the age of availability,” said Beischer. “Let it go to the 40 (year old) age group, because if we are eligible for AstraZeneca why can’t we be eligible for Moderna if no one over 54 is booking?”
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Friday 16th April / presented by Jeff Bullen
Bill Dempsey is known primarily as a champion footballer with West Perth and the Darwin Buffaloes. A premiership captain who played over 400 games in 20 seasons in Perth and the NT and a member of the AFL’s Indigenous Team of the Century, his record and his achievements compare with the very best. But there s more to the story of the The Boy from Birdum as Steve Hawke and Bill Dempsey explained to Jeff Bullen.
The Boy from Birdum is published by Magabala Books.
Are all expectant mothers the same?
Mary Drier, For the Tribune
April 16, 2021
Mary Drier
There is a saying that, “If mama isn’t happy, no one is,” and that seems to be true in the animal world as well.
There is a large pine tree about 20 feet away from the picture window from where I sit in my recliner. Although I can’t be sure, it looks like more than one kind of bird is making nests in the branches. The birds fly by so fast I can’t really tell if they are all the same species or a variety of them. They all have something in their beaks that looks like materials to build a nest.