Embedded in every business are multiple stories of human ambition and development. Luxembourg-based private equity investment funds help bring these ideas to life. We spoke to two professionals about the attractions of working in this area.
“It’s not a problem for us to find people to work for us,” noted Laurent Hengesch, a founding partner at Ilavska Vuillermoz Capital. He is a rare bird in Luxembourg: a fund manager making investment decisions in the grand duchy. Most funds based in Luxembourg have their portfolio managers in major global financial capitals, with the operations here tending to provide the infrastructure to make these funds function.
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With the world of ESG expanding on a daily basis, I frequently receive questions on how companies should structure their board’s governance over the environmental and social matters included in their company’s definition of ESG. The short answer here is that, as is the case with traditional areas of corporate governance, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. For some companies the right answer will exist in better defining the scope of the responsibilities of their existing board bodies, for others, the right answer will exist in creating a new board body. Which approach is the right approach will depend on the board, its current composition, and the ESG strategy that the company is pursuing. Either way, there are a number of steps that every company should take before creating an ESG board committee (or assigning ESG duties to existing board bodies). Here I outline what those five steps are.
Real-time data key to ESG analytics
2m | By Aaran Fronda, Deputy Editor
Real-time data key to ESG analytics
Private organisations do not have the same degree of transparency as their public counterparts, making it more challenging to access environmental, so.View article
3w | By Jeremy Chan, Journalist
Yellen, Sunak push for transparency around climate.
As President Joe Biden is set to host a two-day climate summit starting today, the US treasury secretary and UK chancellor stressed the need for finan.View article
1m | bobsguide
AIC: Regulators must act on Esma review
Action must be taken following the European Securities and Markets Authority (Esma)’s review into Ucits liquidity risk management and market practices.View article
There are numerous financial instruments emerging as companies, governments, and institutions focus more on sustainability and other ESG goals. Leaders from BNP Paribas, JPMorgan Asset Management and IDA Ireland commented on the range of options available to companies working towards a more sustainable future
Fund administration: More promise for the unloved ELTIF
The SFDR regulation and the administration of withholding tax have been challenges for third-party fund administrators over the past year. But in our poll of leading figures in the admin industry, we also hear there’s a better future for the ELTIF.
Eoin FitzGerald, MD and office head, BBH Dublin
There had been much speculation about domicile shifts around Brexit, but so far little has changed. Ireland and Luxembourg appear to have copper-fastened their statuses as the leading cross-border fund centres. The recent addition of the Irish Limited Partnership (ILP) to Ireland’s toolkit for private market funds is a welcome addition, particularly with its common law framework and cultural alignment with US and UK alternative managers.