Some states are clamping down on the payday lending industry, described by critics as a predatory practice that preys on the poor. But it appears unlikely that anything will change this year in Rhode Island one of just two New England states that allow payday lenders to charge the equivalent of triple-digit interest on loans.
Jun 11, 2021
(Pawtucket, RI) Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee signed legislation this week requiring statewide standards in consumer education in public high schools.Those standards include personal finance or consumer economic topics such as budgeting.McKee said financial literacy is key to the future success of young people.The bill-signing took place at Tolman High School in Pawtucket, which already offers a financial literacy curriculum.
Photo: Getty Images
Illuminate will present live-streamed Wizard of Oz
PAWTUCKET – “The Wizard of Oz,” presented by Illuminate Creative + Theatrical Arts Co., formerly known as A Work in Progress Productions, will be live-streamed on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 11-12, at 7:30 p.m. Two casts, one incredible message, perfect for this season we find ourselves in, states a release from the group, which has long done its performances at Tolman High School in Pawtucket. This will be a socially distant, live-streamed production that not only follows the yellow brick road, but blazes a path through the uncertainty of this pandemic, say those behind it.