The Secretary of State has appointed Viscountess Dunluce and Jane Hurst as Members of the board of The Royal Parks for a term of four years commencing on 14 August 2021 until 13 August 2025.
Viscountess Dunluce Aurora Dunluce (Aurora Antrim, from August 12th) is an award winning documentary filmmaker who, as Aurora Gunn, has been producing.
Lower speed limits coming to Fernhill, Glencairn, Rossmount
Posted on July 14, 2021 by oshawaexpress in CITY, NEWS
By Courtney Bachar/The Oshawa Express
Councillors are looking out for the safety of Oshawa residents one street at a time.
A speed reduction is coming to Fernhill Boulevard, Glencairn Street, and Rossmount Avenue following correspondence the city received from concerned area residents about vehicles speeding and the safety of pedestrians.
The new speed limit will be 40 km/h, down from 50 km/h.
Regional and City Councillor Tito-Dante Marimpietri says this change will “benefit area residents and their safety concerns moving forward.”
After visiting Fernhill Boulevard to observe, City Councillor Jane Hurst says she understands the concerns of the residents.