SOLON, Iowa (KWWL) - As we head into the summer months and demand for blood continues to climb, the American Red Cross said the U.S. is facing a severe blood shortage.
University of Iowa DeGowin Blood Center blood drive coordinator Jessie Cunningham said supply typically fluctuates through the summer months, particularly around the 4th of July, but not this much.
There is an increased need for blood in the summer because there is nationally an increased number of trauma injuries. Cunningham said the supply shortage is pandemic related. Those critical lows are because people are getting busy, and they can t come in and donate blood, Cunningham said. With the pandemic, things are opening up, and people are kind of, you know, doing more than what they re used to doing because they ve always kind of been inside all the time so hoping you can practice and make this look better.
Mayor Misty Clanton was absent.Â
Jessie Cunningham addressed the council regarding an issue on Oak Park Street. Code Enforcement Officer Adam Williams is working to address the issue.
Corporal Jay Purdue was awarded DeRidder Police Officer of the Year.
Ordinances were introduced:Â
patching, milling and overlaying portions of 8th Street, South Texas Street, and Fisher Road; and
for approving basic engineering by Meyer and Associates for drainage improvements in Kilman Pines Subdivision.
All have public hearing dates on May 24 2021.
Three emergency ordinances were passed for construction and repairs to the Real Art DeRidder Building, the Dance Stop Building, and the Beauregard Museum.