Twin River made the announcement on Monday.
The owners of Twin River Casino Hotel and officials from the Laborers Local Union 711 have agreed to jointly fund healthcare insurance for previously eligible casino table game dealers who are no longer working full-time due to the reduced hours of casino operations brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The announcement comes after Twin River cut back the hours and healthcare benefits for over 180 dealers in January, stating that reductions were due to the impact of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions.
“186 dealers found out we’re losing our Blue Cross on February 1,” she said. “We re apart of LIUNA 711 [Laborers International Union of North America]. Our contract expired in June of last year but we were told due to COVID, they haven t been able to negotiate.
Twin River Casino is slashing hours and healthcare for over 180 dealers.
Twin River Casino has cut the hours and healthcare benefits for over 180 dealers. The company said the reductions are due to the impact of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions.
Twin River employee Jennifer Romanov criticized the decision.
“186 dealers found out we’re losing our Blue Cross on February 1,” she said. “We re apart of LIUNA 711 [Laborers International Union of North America]. Our contract expired in June of last year but we were told due to COVID, they haven t been able to negotiate. “GET THE LATEST BREAKING NEWS HERE SIGN UP FOR GOLOCAL FREE DAILY EBLAST