Personas de color podrán aparecer en billetes del Reino Unido por primera vez en la historia
Reuters Viernes, 14 Agosto 2020 - 01:21 pm
La Real Casa de Moneda está considerando acuñar una moneda para conmemorar a Gandhi, quien se volvería la primera persona no-blanca en aparecer en el dinero de Reino Unido. | Cortesía: Pixabay
ESPECIAL.- Reino Unido está considerando acuñar una moneda para conmemorar al héroe de la independencia de India, Mahatma Gandhi, en medio de las demandas para celebrar a personas pertenecientes a minorías como la espía británica de origen indio Noor Inayat Khan y la enfermera británica jamaicana Mary Seacole.
‘Pain of Hazara community and their supporters understandable but they should also think of others’
January 9, 2021
With many of its main arteries closed for the past few days by protesters mourning the Machh tragedy, life in Karachi has almost come to a standstill. However, despite all these difficulties, people of Karachi seem to be generally showing a compassionate and tolerant attitude towards the evolving circumstances.
According to a statement issued by the Karachi Police office, there are 29 spots across the city where sit-ins have been staged by Shia organisations to show solidarity with the protesters of the Hazara community in Balochistan.