Eddie Guy
From the first moment public health departments realized the Covid-19 pandemic was a real threat, just about everyone s lifestyle was radically changed. For those who spent their their pre-pandemic time and energy committed to honing their physical fitness, this was a particularly jarring adjustment.
Gathering indoors in public and private spaces alike and exercising in close proximity to other people, once a tried-and-true method to promote healthy living, was deemed the opposite: a major health risk. To adjust, we stayed home, became more solitary, found new ways to work without equipment the changes have been nearly innumerable.
To say that the pandemic has impacted the way we train would be an understatement but that change affects more than just the immediate material conditions of the fitness industry. The ripple effects will be vast, upending a sector that was already on the precipice of radical transformation. “The fitness world is one of the last brick-and