Tamil Nadu Covid lockdown news live: State to consider 4,000 cash aid, special vaccination drive for transpeople
Tamil Nadu Covid lockdown news live: State to consider 4,000 cash aid, special vaccination drive for transpeople
Tamil Nadu Covid lockdown news live: State to consider 4,000 cash aid, special vaccination drive for transpeople
For the third consecutive day, Tamil Nadu reported the country s highest number of fresh cases, when new cases breached the 17 lakh mark. The 35,579 new cases and 397 deaths pushed the case tally to 17.3 lakh when the cumulative death toll reached 19,131. After 25,368 discharges, the state was left with 2.63 active cases.Notifying every case of mucormycosis (black fungus) among Covid-19 patients including screening, testing and treating it will now be a standardized procedure in hospitals across the state. It will also help ensure availability of antifungal medication required. Stay with TOI for all the latest updates:Read Less